Traditional ORF Assessment


Do you administer all the traditional ORF one-to-one ORF benchmark assessments to students in your classroom?

Do you administer all the traditional ORF one-to-one ORF progress monitoring assessments to students in your classroom?


Does traditional one-to-one ORF administration take too much time?

wave2_q10 comments


Are ORF scores valuable for your teaching?

wave2_q2 comments

CORE Testing Procedures

Did you have your students read in small groups, or was the entire class tested at the same time?

How comfortable were your students with the assessment process (i.e., accessing the site, navigating the process, reading aloud with headsets, etc.)?



Looking ahead, would you prefer traditional one-to-one ORF assessments or the CORE system as an alternative?


CORE vs. Traditional ORF

ORF Imrpovements/Barriers

General Comments